Are you ready for Art and Tea and Cake at the Mad HatterMarketplace and Tea Party? You can let us know you are coming on the Facebook page]. Everyone is welcome. Share some cake and tea, see some great art and prepare for the parade the next day. Market will be open from 12-4 and artists should arrive before 11:00. We will have cake and ice tea and other snacks for all but bring your lunch.
The market is at OCAD in the back, south side, of the school:
Mad artists are awesome. Our artwork, whichever medium, stunningly expresses who we are and what we do together. We invite artists of all stripes who intersect with and identify as ‘mad’ to apply to take part in 2017 Mad Marketplace!
See below:
We seek diverse artists who identify as Mad people, consumers/survivors, or otherwise labelled.
Apply now (deadline is tentatively June 16 2017)
Jewels and art and a plant!
Judith Phelan’s mad stories and mad art
Please note, we reserve the right to choose artists that represent different media and genres of art. We can only have a limited number of artists because we have limited resources and event space. It is preferred that you use this application process. You may email us at with the subject line “Mad Marketplace” + Your Name and we will follow up with confirmations. In the body include:
Contact info: email, phone number, URL.
What type of art: (painting, comics, jewelry, pottery, book + more)
Louise Martin – Author – lessons of her life
Experience & examples of your art: experienced & new artists wanted.
Story about your Art and its connection to “Madness”: (3-5 sentences max – indicate if we can share your story on the website)
Together we can make Mad Pride Week 2017 a Huge Success!!!
We need volunteers too – we will feed you and love you forever!
Connect, empower, and build communities through education and advocacy Donate to Mad Pride Toronto at: Share the link!
“The Cuckoo” by Banjo Rebellion (“Banjo Rebellion got its name when Val Kerr & Bill Nunnelley, partners in life and in music, answered the call for rebel performers at the Toronto MadX event, aptly named “The Rebellion”.
The Mad Market offered art for everyone: cool and crazy. We shared ideas, inspirations and images. Artists used every media – paint, plant, paper, peanut butter. Mad art covered every topic – cartoons to psychosis to cupcakes. The photos below give a very rough idea of the incredible range of mad artists:
Mad signs of the times
Genova tells stories and creates magic
Samm-kablam-o – upcycled alternative art –
Mad info from Ryerson – Sleep more, try gardening, get a button.
Nerissa Hutchinson takes steam punk into an exciting future –
Louise Martin – Author – lessons of her life
Jewels and art and a plant!
Mad Baking by Tina Vourinaris
Brighter views through Stain Glass by Carol Anne Monet
Erin Kotva makes beautiful chain mail
Judith Phelan’s mad stories and mad art
Bronwen Sims gathered nifty healing plants and made inspiring pots.
Cassandra Arthur brings detail and beauty to the smallest of creations
Iris Jacobs – beautiful images by wet on wet
Kyla Bell makes intriguing, inspiring artistic emotions
Sharing butterflies for kind notes (unicorns)
Moshe Sakal makes abstraction attractive
Christine Shaheen makes multi-textured mad art
Gail Watson creates art with jewelry or jewelry art.
Art making continued at the market!
For next year, look forward to much more publicity and many more vendors!