

This will be a sample Mad Times Post. Check out the rest of the site while we build out the Mad Times section.

Mad Times will be publishing the first issue soon Jan or Feb 2017




Saraƒin is a writer, illustrator, cartoonist, and mad identified person. Asylum Squad, the webcomic, was born during a year long stay in a Toronto mental institution as a creative means of passing Saraƒin’s time. She will be selling her work at the Mad Hatter Street Fair and Marketplace.

Picture of Asylum Squad Web Comic
Asylum Squad – Saraƒin’s long running Mad Comic!
  1. What are you most excited about with your new book, Asylum Squad: The Jung Ones 2?
I am excited, as I always am, at the prospect of making new fans, and advancing the storyline.  This book was the most action packed in the series thus far, and was a joy to work on.
  1. What do we need to know from previous issues to understand the new book?

It helps to have at least read The Jung Ones pt 1, even better to have read Monster Hospital 1 & 2.  There are recaps in each new volume of events that occurred in previous books.  Basically, at this point, Liz Madder and company are well into the Ajna Project: an experimental drug treatment program based on Jungian psychiatry, that they signed up for, and were accepted into, during their stay at St Dymphna’s psychiatric hospital.

  1. How do you describe your experience with madness? 
I do not like psychiatric labels, for I have been given many in my life, and none of them seemed to stick or describe me very well.  I prefer to use the term Mad, even though I don’t consider myself a “sufferer of mental illness” – rather, I feel that I see the world through an unusual perspective due to a form of spiritual emergency that started in my mid 20s.
  1. What does Mad Pride mean to you?



The relevant question in psychiatry shouldn't be what's wrong with you, but what happened to you?

Editor: Do you, or people around you, blame yourself, others, diagnosis, society or do you recognize that “Something happened to me”

It took me a long time to acknowledge that I had been through multiple traumatic experiences. The first time I heard a therapist refer to my emotional reactions as the result of trauma I stopped seeing her. I wasn’t ready to acknowledge that people had done things to me that have left a lasting mark. I wasn’t taught that people could or had hurt me. I was taught that I was hurting myself. The message that I received, loud and clear, as a teen was that everything was the fault of my mental illness and that I was solely responsible for everything that had happened to me.  I was on a constant quest to fix myself so people would like me. I believed that people treated me poorly because I was difficult, sad, annoying, and impulsive. It never occurred to me that the poor treatment I received meant there was something wrong with them and how they saw me as a person. (more…)


MADx by night advertisement for event Friday 15 July 15, 2015 at the Imperial Pub, 54 Dundas St. E. Toronto

“What does it take to free our selves of what or who others would have us be?” presents MADx by night during Mad Pride Toronto 2016. Come to laugh, rant, and rebel:

  • Friday July 15th 2016 from 7:00 to 11:00
  • @ Imperial Pub (54 Dundas St. E., Toronto).
MADx by night advertisement for event Friday 15 July 15, 2015 at the Imperial Pub, 54 Dundas St. E. Toronto
MADx by night Friday 15 July 15, 2016 at the Imperial Pub, 54 Dundas St. E. Toronto

More information from  about MADx
